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Philosophy | Jay WorldMan


A few words on what’s happening to us as a friend suggested me (lov you @magti). First general considerations, then practical advices on how to deal with the #confinement. This confinement time is a time of sharing, of listening to one another and meditate on it… We...
Vision for Rainbow Gatherings

Vision for Rainbow Gatherings

AMAZING DOCUMENT ABOUT THE RAINBOW FAMILY (from Lazer, elder brother that spoke to the Full Moon Circle of the European Gathering held in Salto, Portugal 2011) ~;~ ~;~ ~;~ ~;~ ~;~ ~;~ ~;~ VISION FOR RAINBOW, from elder spoken at european garthering 2011, please read...
Self-Confidence & Secret wounds

Self-Confidence & Secret wounds

Did you ever witness such phenomenon ? I did, again, this morning, during my singing class… and I thank Plop it causes me wonder… Plop is a non-too-serious god of mine : to say the truth I’d rather tank parents and education… what for ? I am...
Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior

For the third time I am back from “under the rainbow”. Once more the magic occurred, once more I have learned and experienced, once more I have re-conciliated myself with myself. The feeling won’t last I presume, as I walk again the grey pavements of Babylon… As usual...
Allegories of Time: the rabbit and the crocodile

Allegories of Time: the rabbit and the crocodile

Here we are again, on a philosophical adventure to compare two famous characters who both stand as an allegory of Time: Alice’s white rabbit and Peter Pan’s crocodile. Whether we are in Neverland or Wonderland, everything is symbol. What do those two characters really...